Toileting Support

Is your child having difficulty mastering toileting skills? Do they have a history of cognitive, developmental, or physical needs that may impact toileting independence? Although this can be a developmental milestone that many children meet, it may be delayed and can be a challenge for parents to know how to navigate! 

Occupational therapists play a crucial role in enhancing toileting independence through a holistic and individualized approach, combining practical strategies, adaptive equipment, and caregiver support to meet each child’s unique needs. 


  • Functional Assessment: Evaluating the child’s current level of independence in toileting, identifying developmental, physical, cognitive, and environmental barriers. 
  • Environmental Assessment: Assessing the bathroom setup for safety, accessibility, meeting the child’s sensory needs and equipment support if needed. 

Therapeutic Intervention: 

 Individualized Plans

  • Personalized Toileting Plan: Develop a tailored plan based on the individual’s needs, abilities, and goals. 
  • Routine Establishment: Helping to establish a consistent toileting routine to promote regular habits and predictability. 


Skills Training

  • Physical Skills 
  • Cognitive Skills 
  • Motor Skills 
  • Interoceptive Skills (understanding how their body is feeling and recognizing those important cues) 


Adaptive Equipment

  • Recommendation and Training: Establishing appropriate tools and resources for each child.   Providing training on the use of adaptive equipment such as raised toilet seats, grab bars, toilet frames. 
  • Customization: Customizing equipment to fit each child’s specific needs and ensure maximum comfort and safety. 


Environmental Modifications

  • Bathroom Accessibility: Modifying the bathroom to improve accessibility, such as installing grab bars, non-slip mats, or adjusting the height of the toilet. 
  • Home Modifications: Making broader home modifications if needed, to make the washroom accessible within the home. 


Behavioural Strategies

  • Positive Reinforcement: Using positive reinforcement to encouraging successful toileting skills and routines. 
  • Prompting and Cueing: Implementing prompts and cues to remind individuals to use the toilet at regular intervals. 


Sensory Strategies

  • Sensory Processing: Establishing and supporting sensory sensitivities or preferences that may impact toileting (ie: such as the feel of toilet paper or the sound of flushing). 
  • Calming Techniques: Incorporating calming techniques for kiddos who experience anxiety related to toileting routines and environments. 


Caregiver Education

  • Training Caregivers: Providing supportive education to caregivers on how to assist with sensory needs, development of skills, toileting tasks, using any adaptive equipment that may be needed and implement toileting routines. 
  • Support and Resources: Providing resources and ongoing support to caregivers to help them manage and support the each child’s toileting needs effectively. 

Our clinics that are currently offering EPA for KIDS Toileting Support Occupational Therapy services include: 

 • Elora             • Guelph