Post-Acute COVID-19 is an emerging phenomenon among individuals with previous COVID-19 infection. Also known as “COVID-19 Long Haulers”, only a few published studies have examined the long-term effects (up to 6 months) following COVID-19 infection.
What is a COVID Long-Hauler?
A COVID LONG HAULER is a COVID-19 survivor who has, in theory, recovered from the worst impacts of COVID-19 and has tested negative. However, they are still experiencing long-term symptoms that often linger for weeks or months, and/or develop out of the blue months after the initial onset and that this proportion was higher in women. Even people who are not hospitalized and who have a mild illness can experience persistent or late symptoms.
Most recent data highlights that that 76% of patients with previous COVID-19 infection reported at least one symptom at 6 months after symptom onset and that this proportion was higher in women. Even people who are not hospitalized and who have a mild illness can experience persistent or late symptoms.
Fill Out New Client Post COVID-19 Checklist Paperwork
Please fill out this checklist and either:
• Print it at home and bring it with you to your initial assessment OR
• Email a completed filled out copy to your EPA Clinic’s admin team. Clinic emails can be found on the locations page here
Looking for information on Returning to Sports and Play Post COVID-19?
Click the button below to review our “Return to Play after COVID-19: Consideration for Athletes ”
Common Symptoms of COVID Long-Haulers:
The most common signs and symptoms that linger over time but are limited to include:
- Fatigue
- Anxiety
- Muscle weakness
- Depression
- Joint pain
- Sleep disruptions
- Dyspnea
- Brain fog
Other long-term complications including cardiac, pulmonary, and neurological sequelae are also possible, especially among individuals who were most critically ill. This is likely as a result of inflammation and “cytokine storm”.

Cardiac Complications
- Myocardial inflammation
- Cardiac arrhythmias
- Myocarditis
Pulmonary Complications
- Pulmonary dysfunction as measured by imaging and/or pulmonary function test.
- Decreased carbon monoxide diffusion capacity
- The diminished function of respiratory muscles.
- Pulmonary fibrosis
- Interstitial thickening
Neurological Complications
- Headache
- Vertigo
- Sensory dysfunction

How can Physiotherapy Help
Physiotherapy and rehabilitation medicine should be at the forefront of managing care of this affected population. Physiotherapists are trained healthcare professionals that have the knowledge and skills to develop individualized treatment plans according to the patient’s needs, taking into consideration their long-term symptoms and comorbidities.
Physiotherapy for COVID Long-Haulers includes:
- BREATHING- Long Haulers often experience respiratory symptoms. Physiotherapy can help by teaching breathing exercises that help increase respiratory volume and the strengthening of respiratory muscles.
- MOBILIZE- Our highly educated physiotherapists can help mobilize stiff thoracic and rib joints after periods of inactivity
- STRETCHING- A physiotherapist can help introduce and track the ongoing progress of thoracic stretching exercises.
- STRENGTHENING- Physiotherapy can help COVID Long-Haulers strengthen and build postural musculature.
- DEVELOPMENT- Our team develops patient centered goals to help patients return to their pre-illness activities of daily living, occupation, and sporting activities
Where is the COVID Long-Hauler Rehabilitation service offered?
The COVID Long-Hauler Rehabilitation service is located at each-one of Eramosa Physiotherapy locations located across Southern Ontario. To find the location nearest you please visit our Locations Page Here.
General COVID-19 Resources
London Health Science. London, ON- https://www.lhsc.on.ca/urgent-covid-19-care-clinic
Activity Guide for Transitioning Home, British Columbia- https://vch.eduhealth.ca/PDFs/FG/FG.226.C66.pdf
UK COVID Recovery Guide- https://www.yourcovidrecovery.nhs.uk/
Canadian COVID research:
The Canadian COVID-19 Prospective Cohort Study
World COVID research:
The Patient Led Research Collaborative
Support Groups:
- Long COVID Support (UK)
- We are Body Politic COVID-19 Support Group
- Facebook: COVID Long Haulers Support GroupCanada
- Long COVID Physio Podcast
Acknowledgment to ReActive Physiotherapy for compiling and mentoring physiotherapists in community settings. For more information visit- https://reactivephysio.com/specialty-services/covid-19-survivorship/